Tuesday, November 30, 2004

There's a holiday for eating!

Csaba here...this Thanksgiving was our first holiday ever. I've decided that I love Thanksgiving because it is a celebration of the incredible consumption of food by people (and pugs). I've decided I like solid food -- no more teets for me!

Here we are with our mom and our "Grandpa Bill" preparing for the Thanksgiving feast. Actually, my brother, Bugsy, and I are already celebrating! You have to look closely to find us -- we're eating out of the blue bowls near our mom. (The big shiny silver bowls are too high for us to reach at the moment.)

Our method is to put our front paws into the food bowl, move the food around a bit to make sure the texture and substance are just right, and then we eat one piece at a time, savoring each morsel. Okay, that's my method. I think Bugsy just eats like a regular dog.

After Thanksgiving was over, we were stuffed like a turkey! We decided to participate in the other well-known Thanksgiving (and pug puppy) ritual -- the nap:

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

We like our new home!

Hi, this is Csaba Pugga, reporting to you from the shores of Lake Erie just west of Cleveland, Ohio.

Around Thanksgiving, my brother, Bugsy, and I were adopted into the Walters Pack and we really like it. We are now about seven weeks old and we would like to share some pictures with you.

Here is our first baby picture, taken when we were two weeks old. I am the cute fawn one and my brother, Bugsy Pug, is the teeny black one (those are his hind legs sticking up). As you can see, my rogue tongue often prefers to protrude out of my mouth, even at two weeks old:

And here we are at four weeks old, just two weeks before our adoption. It wasn't exactly easy for us to walk back then, so don't make fun of us!

Below is a picture of my little brother Bugsy with our dad shortly after our adoption. At seven weeks old, he is two pounds of pug cuteness. I have half a pound more of cuteness in me (mostly in my belly). Even though he's older than me, I call him my little brother.

My mom and dad have taken to calling my brother Buggaman. He loves to cuddle with dad and says when he gets older, he'll get to ride in the sidecar of dad's motorcycle while they go across the country. What a dreamer!

Here I am doing the Heisman pose. I love to watch football with my mom and dad when I'm not napping (and even when I am napping). Go Bucks!

I sleep a lot. As a matter of fact, excuse me while I take a quick nap...

[twenty minutes later]

Okay, I'm back. I love to sleep in my mama's lap. Oh, it's so nice and comfy! Here we are cuddled up in the lap shortly after our arrival home from the adoption proceedings. I think it will only remain a two-pug lap until we're about 12 weeks old, after which I plan to kick Bugsy off and claim it as my own.

Yep, here we are, asleep again.

My mom says I have chest hair like Sean Connery, whoever he is. I think that means I'm supposed to talk with a Scottish accent and say things like, "Bond, Csaba Bond."

At first, my mom and dad were worried that I might have worms because I had such a big pot belly. I was tested at the vet and the vet said, "Nope, no worms," so now it has been decided that I just have a big Buddha belly and that I'll eventually grow into it. They even call me "Chubby" now as a nickname...was I aptly named or what?

Friday, November 26, 2004

Preparations for our arrival

Hi, my name is Csaba (pronounced Chubba). My brother's name is Bugsy. I'm the fawn one with the Sean Connery chest hair and Bugsy is the inquisitive-looking black one. (The wheels in his mind are always turning.) Aren't we cute?

Prior to us being adopted into the Walters Pack, there was much preparation for our arrival. Mom and Dad would discuss at length what kind of puppy would be best.

Dad mentioned adopting perhaps [gasp] a dachshund or miniature pinscher, but Mom has always wanted pugs and after visiting other pugs, the decision was an easy one. Here is a picture from the Cleveland Pug Group's monthly meeting, where pugs get together for discussions on the latest clothing trends, the economics of treat consumption, owner obedience training, and whether or not the pug will win this year's Best in Show:

After the pug meetup, it was clear that a pug was in our mom and dad's future.

Mom and Dad got married on October 14, 2004, on the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC:

And look who Dad met while taking pictures in the town of Asheville...good pug karma, I say:

When Mom and Dad returned to Ohio and found that a litter of pugs had been born a couple of days after their wedding, they checked it out and decided that good pug karma was indeed in their favor. In fact, Dad said, "Why not get two?" after beholding the extreme cuteness that was Bugsy Pug, and it was settled. We were adopted into the Walters Pack around Thanksgiving.

Before our adoption, our mom and dad had pugs on the brain from morning until night. For example, on Halloween, rather than carving the standard boring pumpkin, they carved a "pugkin" for the front stoop:

Our mom's handiwork:

Here's a shot of Dad giving the pugkin a lobotomy:

Pugkin seeds - yum!

The finished pugkin:

The artist poses with her masterpiece:

Lighting the pugkin:

Just before the anticipation of our arrival got to be too much for our mom and dad, we were ready to be picked up the day before Thanksgiving. Shortly thereafter, our adventures with the Walters Pack began!

Enjoy our blog; we'll have much more to write!